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  • Job/Trauma Coach

    While most job coaches will have you work through multiple assessments to figure out what job best suits you, why not give energetic messages a try? With my abilities, I am able to bypass the assessments and find out what is calling you and what you are calling in for you. We have a life path and hearts path, and I can help with both!

  • Energetic Acutherapy

    Fairly new to the energy realm, merely because spirit literally TAUGHT me how to utilize this tool. I'm moving the energy from pin pricking a target memory and raising one's UNDERSTANDING of the target, essentially, rewiring the brain! I promise you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner!

  • Animal Communication

    This one is my FAVORITE! I love being able to communicate with animals, both deceased and living. It is BY FAR one of the things that I always wished I could do since watching Dr. Doolittle when I was a kid! Being the voice for your friend, we can make sure they have a BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY LIFE!